📰 New publication “Locus de contrôle, identité sociale et endettement en Inde du Sud ”
Arnaud Natal and Christophe Jalil Nordman have published an article in Revue d’Économie du DĂ©veloppement, entitled “Locus of control, social identity and indebtedness in South India”.
Abstract: Using original data on 1635 individuals in rural South India, we analyse the correlation between debt, locus of control (LOC) and social identity (gender and caste) of borrowers. While LOC is correlated with debt negotiation, we find that the relationship is strongest for non-dalits (middle and upper castes) men. This result suggests that a more internal LOC is an additional advantage in negotiation for individuals with an already favourable social position.
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Arnaud Natal (May 14, 2023). 📰 New publication “Locus de contrôle, identité sociale et endettement en Inde du Sud ”. ODRIIS. Retrieved January 17, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/si26